Friday, March 27, 2009

We went into Dallas!

As much as I detest big cities, seeing as to how we're in Dallas/Ft. Worth, we thought (and Kristi kept bugging us) we really should go see part of Dallas. So we headed to the "Historic" district. And here we are, the corner of Houston and Elm. This must be Dealey Plaza, where John Kennedy we shot and killed. The "X" you can see on the road was the "Head Shot" that killed Kennedy. Further up the picture (you might see it on a blown up picture) is the "X" that was the "Throat Shot" that hit Kennedy and Connally. If you look at the building in the picture, that is the book depository from which Oswald did his shooting. The highest rectangular window (below the rounded top window) on the right hand side of the picture is where Lee Harvey Oswald fired from.

Having been alive during this historic event, it was kinda eerie (moving) to actually be at this place. The conspiracy theory surrounding the Kennedy assassination has grown into a cottage industry. Everywhere you walked in Dealey plaza there was somebody trying to sell you something to promote the idea that the assassination and subsequent inquiry was a conspiracy to hide the truth. I dunno!

The Historic West End is the old part of Dallas. They have made a serious effort to preserve the buildings and feel of the area. The old Court building is beautiful and reminds me of Old City Hall in Toronto. I wonder if there's a connection. We wandered around the area for a while. It was very tight and narrow with lots of old buildings. It's actually very "Warehousy", but neat to see all the new modern buildings over the older buildings. While there I ran across this signwhich I kinda don't believe as it's permanent! Also I ran into this statue/sculpture I really don't know what it was for, but it's kinda whimsical doncha think?

All day the tv had been on about storms and tornadoes and BIG hail in the area. Nothing happened, but on the way home from Dallas we saw the weirdest cloud formations. It was very overcast and in the centre was this weird rolling patch of cloud bottoms. Local people were actually pulling over to take pictures of the clouds, so this is not a common occurance here.
I apologize for the dirty windshield, but ya gotta deal with the circumstances at the time. Anyhow, Dallas was really interesting and there's tons of other stuff I would have liked to have seen, but I HATE big cities. We're off to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas at the end of the week. That'll be our next update. Bye for now.


Tom and Linda said...

Great pics again. Not quite sure about that sculpture - it's a little weird.... I think being in Dallas at the Kennedy area would bring a lump to my throat too. There sure are some beautiful buildings there though. Hope you have good weather as you continue home. Don't want to get caught up in anything ugly. Safe travelling

Linda & Tom

Unknown said...

Those clouds look amazing!!! Wow!