Friday, December 5, 2008

Lights & Stuff

Hey again! On Sunday the 30th of November we were out walking and noticed this unusual sight in the evening sky. I went in and looked it up. The bottom thingy is the moon (duh), the lower "star" is Venus and the upper "Star" is Jupiter. This was the first night as the moon changed from a "new" moon to a crescent moon, and this "Moon, Venus, Jupiter" configuration in the same quadrant in the sky won't be seen again until 2052, so if we hadn't caught it, we'd never have had the opportunity again in our lifetime. Cool, eh?
The next day we decided to put up a few Christmas decorations! We wrapped our front tripod in garland and then strung it with lights. Here's a pic.

I'm not sure what Mary's looking at. Maybe she saw a ghost? When I took the picture of the "tree" I noticed the moon and planets configuration was different that night and brighter, so I took another pic. Also, Neptune and Uranus were visible, but very dim and to far away from the moon to include in the picture. When I showed Mary, she thought it was quite funny that we were out there looking at Uranus. Ahhhh, I love juvenile humour.
Later gang!

1 comment:

Tom and Linda said...

Hi guys. Love your xmas "tree". makes your place look so homey. Nice that you're meeting people and doing things too. Did you see my pic of the happy face? I thought that was the coolest thing. We saw it on Dec 1. but you saw it on Nov 30 and then upside down on Dec 1. Now I'm wishing we would have looked the day before or after to see if there was anything else in the sky here. Gotta go kids just arrived. See ya. Have fun!!