Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tis the Season Updated...thanks Peggi & Cheryl

Hi, this entry is just a quick one to wish everyone a "VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a "HAPPY NEW YEAR"

We have taken a few pictures of the lights in the park. This is a picture of Peggi & Johns rig. Beautiful!! They have the nicest dressed rig in the park.

And of course, what would Christmas here be like if I didn't show you how Rod is dressed to take these pictures????

This time of year they have a lot of things happening. We went to the christmas program where they put on a show for us. The park has a program where we all choose a child by age and sex and buy a christmas present for them. Then the park assembles Christmas boxes for them and their families. These are the poorest of the poor in the area who'd have a very sad Christmas without this program.

Rod, along with others that own trucks, are going to be delivering these boxes today. Yesterday we had a street pot-luck dinner.
On the 25th the park is having their Christmas dinner where they supply the hams (the Americans do ham for Christmas as they just had turkey a month ago) and we all bring a dish...Peggi & John are in charge of cooking the ham for our table. Kristi and Phil will be here for New Years eve and will be going to the dance with us.

The weather has been all over the map this past week....anywhere from 94f in the day down to 38f some evenings...It is supposed to warm up for their time here. We hope so. Tim and Aly weren't able to join us but we wish them a special wish and will miss them.

We will post the pictures from the kids visit soon.....so until then...

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